Academic Positions
2008-present Professor of Art, Hampshire College, Amherst/USA
2020-2021 Professor of Art, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor/USA
2010 Visiting Professor, University Bayreuth/Germany.
2003 Visiting Lecturer, College of Art, KNUST, Kumasi/Ghana
1996-2005 Adjunct Lecturer, Cusanuswerk Foundation, Bonn/Germany
1993-1999 Assistant Professor, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich/Germany
1987-1993 M.A. Diploma, Academy of Fine Arts Munich/Germany
1989-1990 Visiting student, Department of Fine Arts, University of Castilla la Mancha, Cuenca/Spain
1986-1987 Student apprentice, Willibrord Haas Intaglio Studios, Berlin/Germany
Invited Lectures
2023 “:listenings”, Lecture, Katz Guest Artist Series, Cooper Union School of Art, New York City/USA
Artist talk with Heribert Heindl, Gallery Belleparais, Munich/Germany
2021 “Afrofuturism”, Guest artist lecture Department of Art, Amherst College, Amherst/USA
2019 “:listenings”, Lecture, Department of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover/USA
2019 “:listenings”, Lecture, Distinguished Visitor Talk, Haverford College, Philadelphia/USA
2017 “Feirefiz, reinscribing Africa into Richard Wagners Parsifal”, Lecture-Performance at Conference:
Minorities and Minority Discourses in Germany since 1990: Intersections, Interventions,
Interpolations, Hampshire College, Amherst/USA
“Feirefiz, reinscribing Africa into Richard Wagners Parsifal”, Lecture-Performance, University of
Bayreuth, Iwalewahaus Bayreuth/Germany
Moderator, “Questioning Aesthetics Conference: Black Aesthetics”, Panel: Amy Abugo Ongiri,
GerShun Avilez, and Jeremy Matthew Glick, Hampshire College, Amherst/USA
“Redrawing Identity”, Lecture and panel discussion with Nico Vicario, Karen Kurczynski,
Commonwealth Honors College, University of Massachusetts, Amherst/USA
2016 “The Ubiquitous Liminal Space”, Lecture at conference: Black Portraitur(s) III: The African
Influence, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg/South Africa
“Gruppe SPUR”, Lecture at: The Legacy of Cobra-Symposium, University of Massachusetts,
2015 “The Ubiquitous Liminal Space”, Lecture at: Fiction&Futures - Visual Cultures Public Programme,
Goldsmiths University, London/UK
“Parzival, Feirefiz–Parsifal: Re-enacting Africa in Richard Wagners Parsifal”, Lecture-Performance,
University of Bayreuth, Iwalewahaus, Bayreuth/Germany
“Artist Roundtable” with Anselm Franke, Kojo Eshun at group exhibition: After Year Zero exhibition,
Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw/Poland
2014 “Blueberry Hill”, Lecture at conference: Performing Blackness in the Transatlantic World:
Germany, Race, Intermediality, Georgetown University, Washington D.C./USA
2013 “Sea Never Dry”, Panel discussion with Abladie Glover, Nat Nunoo Amartefio at: Sea Never Dry
exhibition, Omanye House, Ghana Danish Cultural Fund, Accra/Ghana
2012 “At the Crossroads – Painting and Performance”, Lecture at: Black German Society Convention,
Barnard College-Columbia University, New York City/USA
2011 “Afronauts, Painting, Performance, and the Liminal Space”, Lecture on panel: Re/Mapping African
Diaspora Arts – Centering Peripheries, with Mikelle Smith Omari-Tunkara, Elvira Dyangani Ose, J.
Lorand Matory, Rebecca L. Greene, Ewart C. Skinner, Carol Thompson, Juliana Ribeiro da Silva
Bevilacqua, Moyosore Okediji at the 15th Triennial Symposium on African Art, Arts Council of
African Studies Association, University of California Los Angeles/USA
2010 “Afronauts and the Liminal Space”, Lecture, Iwalewahaus, University Bayreuth/Germany
2009 “Afronauts and the Liminal Space”, Lecture, Hurford Humanities Center, Haverford College,
2008 “Afronauts and the Liminal Space”, Lecture, Art Department, School of The Museum of Fine Arts
Tufts University, Boston/USA.
“Afronauts: Paintings in Between”, Lecture, Visiting Artist and Scholar Series: Making the Invisible
Visible, School of Art, University of Arizona, Tucson/USA
“Brother Beethoven“, Lecture, Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Amherst/USA
2007 Panel discussion, Black Student Union, Amherst College, Amherst/USA
“Brother Beethoven”, Lecture, SaNsA International Artist Workshop, Kokrobitey Institute,
2006 “Artist Roundtable” with Olumide Popoola and Patrice Bart-Williams at conference: Remapping
Black Germany: New Perspectives on Afro German History, Politics, and Culture, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
2003 “Stop,Look,Listen”, Introduction Lecture, College of Art, Kwame Nkrumah University Kumasi/Ghana
“Artist Roundtable” with Sabrina Hohmann, Heribert Heindl, Endy Hupperich at group exhibition:
Gotas Para Los Ojos, Museum of Contemporary Art, Oaxaca/Mexiko
2002 University Bayreuth, Iwalewa-Haus, Germany.
Solo Exhibitions
2019 - Jaffe-Friede Gallery, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH - USA ':listenings'
2018 - Baustein Building, Holyoke MA - USA 'remappings'
2015 - Galerie Schloss Mochental, Ehingen Germany
2014 - Georgetown University/Goethe Institute Washington D.C. - USA
2013 - Galerie Tobias Schrade, Ulm - Germany
- Artists Alliance Gallery, Accra - Ghana
2010 - Iwalewa Haus, University Bayreuth/Germany.
- Centre Culturelle Française, Pointe-Noir, Rep. Congo.
2009 - Galerie Peter Herrmann, Berlin
- Galerie Tobias Schrade, Ulm - Germany
2007 - Galerie Schrade Karlsruhe (Catalogue).
2006 - Hampden Gallery, University of Massachusetts – Amherst.
2005 - Galerie Michael Gausling, Pähl.-Germany.
- Galerie Tobias Schrade, Ulm.
2004 - Kunstverein Museum Schloß Morsbroich,Leverkusen „Afronaut“.
2003 - Goethe-Institut Inter Nations, Accra-Ghana.
- Galerie Huber-Goueffon, Munich.
- Kunstverein Mittelbaden, Offenburg.
- Kunstverein Heidenheim.
- Chamber of Commerce, Würzburg
2002 - Universität Bayreuth, Iwalewa-Haus „Tellerbauminstallation“.
- Galerie Huber-Goueffon, Munich „Kollaborationen“.
2001 - Galerie Huber-Goueffon, München „locker bleiben“.
2000 - Orangerie Draenert, Friedrichshafen „brother beethoven“.
- Galerie Tobias Schrade, Berlin.
1999 - ISART Galerie, Munich.
- Galerie Tobias Schrade, Berlin
1998 - Galerie Arlette Gimaray, Paris-France.
- Katholische Akademie, Freiburg.
- Galerie Achim Lerche, Kötzting
1997 - Kunstverein Mittelbaden, Offenburg.
- Diel AG, Silvaplana-Switzerland.
1995 - Otto Galerie, Munich.
- Atelier Sauren, Eupen-Belgium.
1994 - Galerie Hölzer, Baden-Baden (Catalogue).
- Galerie Kunstreich, Munich.
1993 - Galerie Aquaforte, Berlin.
- Haus des Landkreises, Ulm.
Group Exhibitions (selected)
2016 - Art Dubai, UAE, with Nubuke Foundation Accra, Ghana
- Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Amherst, USA 'Mead Reimagined, Take 2'
2015 - Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw Poland ‘After Year Zero’
2013 - Mead Art Museum Amherst College, Amherst, USA
2010 - Fitzgerald Gallery Haverford College, Philadelphia, USA (Catalogue).
- Joburg Art Fair Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Art Fair Karlsruhe, Germany.
2009 - Hampshire College, Amherst
2008 - Mead Art Museum, Amherst
- Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta
2007 - Kokrobitey Institute, Accra-Ghana
2006 - Kunstverein Mittelbaden, Offenburg.
- Stadtmuseum Wehr, Wehr (Catalogue).
- ARTfare-Karlsruhe / Fritz Winter Atelier, Diessen.
2005 - Villa Kebbel, Schwandorf „attitudes.“
- Galerie Schloß Mochental, Ehingen.
- 2. Subterraneale 2005, Munich.
- Galerie der Stadtsparkasse, Augsburg “Meisterstücke”.
2004 - Galerie Achim Lerche, Kötzting.
- ARTfare-Karlsruhe / Galerie Tobias Schrade, Ulm.
- Stadtmuseum Wehr, Wehr “Kunst&Diakonie."
2003 - Museo de Arte Contemporaneo,Oaxaca-Mexiko (Catalogue).
- Artfare-Frankfurt / Galerie Huber-Goueffon Munich.
- Alliance Francais, Kumasi-Ghana.
- Galerie Schloss Mochental, Ehingen.
- Galerie Achim Lerche, Kötzting.
2001 - Galerie Huber-Goueffon, Munich „open end.“
- Städtische Galerie Saulgau „Aus Privatsammlungen."
2000 - Haus der Kunst, Munich.
- Galerie Schloss Mochental, Ehingen.
- Galerie Achim Lerche, Kötzting.
1999 - Haus 10 Fürstenfeldbruck „Internationales Radiersymposium.“
- Landratsamt, Esslingen.
- Graf Zeppelin-Haus, Friedrichshafen.
- Haus der Kunst, Munich.
- Galerie Achim Lerche, Kötzting.
- Galerie Huber-Goueffon, Munich.
1998 - Muzej Grada, Rijeka, Croatia .„8 in Movimento.“
- Galerie Tobias Schrade, Berlin “Malaktion.”
- Umjetnicka Galerija, Dubrovnik-Croatia .
- SAP, Waldorf “Junge Künstler” (Catalogue).
- Pallazo dell´Esplanade, Merano-Italy (Catalogue)
- Museum Schloss Bonndorf, Waldshut.
1997 - Rathaus, Oberndorf „Oberschwäbischer Kunstpreis.“
1996 - Otto Galerie, München „Hommage à Willi.“
- 1.Silvaplanaer Kunsttage,Silvaplana-Switzerland.
- Galerie Geiselhart, Reutlingen.
Publications (selected)
Schrade, D. and Furtado, W. ‘Daniel Kojo Schrade: Broadening the Understanding of Diaspora.’ In: Contamporary And (C&) America Latina. 2021. Available online:
Schrade, D. ‘Die Kunst der Re-Kalibrierung.‘ In: Nassehi, A. und Felixberger, P. (eds.) Kursbuch-203 ÜberLeben. Hamburg: Kursbuch Kulturstiftung. 2020. Pp: 97-112. ISBN: 978-3-96196-171-9.
Schrade, D. and Gunkel, H. 'Scavenging the Future of the Archive: A Conversation between Daniel Kojo Schrade and Henriette Gunkel.' In: Gunkel, H.; A. Hameed and S. O’Sullivan (eds.) Futures & Fictions. London: Repeater. 2017. Pp: 193-211. ISBN: 978-1910924631.
Schrade, D. ‘Brother Kyot P01bk15-P08bk15.’ In: Lehmann, F.; N. Siegert and U. Vierke (eds.) Art of Wagnis: Christoph Schlingensief’s Crossing of Wagner and Africa. Wien: Verlag für moderne Kunst. 2017. Pp: 200-204. ISBN: 978-3903131-48-4.
Schrade, D. and Gunkel, H. ‘Afronauts: A Conversation about Spaces In-Between.’ In: A. Busch
und A. Franke (eds.) After Year Zero. Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt. 2015. Pp: 216-217. ISBN:978-83-64177-25-5.
Schrade, D. and Gunkel, H. ‘Afronauts: Malerei aus dem Zwischenraum.’ In: Malmoe, No. 69. December 12, 2014. Available online:
Schrade, D. and Solomon, C. ‘Daniel Kojo Schrade.’ In: Solomon, C. and J. Yoon (eds.) Mapping Identity. Philadelphia: Cantor Fitzgerald. 2010. Pp: 22-23. ISBN: 0-9789199-8-X.
Publications on my artistic practice (selected)
Rodriguez-Tejuca, C. ‘Daniel Kojo Schrade.’ In: Prah, E. and B. Akoi-Jackson (eds.) New Perspectives: Contemporary Art from Ghana. London: Nuva Publishing Limited. 2024. Pp: 286-289. ISBN: 978-13999-7976-4.
Mutumba, Y. ‘Between The Lines There Is Often More.’ In: Auten, G. and D. Schrade (eds.) Daniel Kojo Schrade :listenings. Hanover NH: Dartmouth College Edition. 2019. Pp: 4-7.
Nagl, T. ‘Textures of Time - Abstraction, Afronauts, and the Archive in the Artwork of Daniel Kojo Schrade.‘ In: Gunkel, H. and k. lynch (eds.) We Travel the Space Ways: Black Imagination, Fragments and Diffraction. Bielefeld: Transcript. 2019. Pp: 321-341. ISBN: 978-3-8376-4601-6.
Nagl, T. ‘Abstraktion Performanz und Diaspora im künstlerischen Werk von Daniel Kojo Schrade.’ In: BDG Network (eds.) Deutschland und die Schwarze Diaspora. Münster: Edition Assemblage. 2018. Pp: 230-252. ISBN: 978-3-96042-035-4.
Nagl, T. ‘Afrolization (Blueberry Hill Dub).’ In: Schrade, A. (ed.) AfroSat-1. Berlin: Revolver Publishing. 2011. Pp: 16-20. ISBN: 978-3-86895-197-4.
Zaelani, R. ‘On Emotion.‘ In: Zaelani, R. (ed.) E-MOTION. Jakarta: National Gallery Indonesia. 2008. Pp: 42-51.
Meister, J. ‘Zwischen Icon und Eidos.‘ In: Schrade, D. (ed.) Afronauts. Ehingen: Galerie Schloss Mochental. 2007. Pp: 4-8. ISBN: 3-924922-45-4.
Huber, T. ‘Das schwarze im Auge des Betrachters.‘ In: Schrade, D. (ed.) AFRONAUT. Leverkusen: Kunstverein Morsbroich. 2004. Pp: 2-5.
Meister, J. ‘Malerei aus Zwischenräumen.‘ In: Schrade, D. (ed.) AFRONAUT. Leverkusen: Kunstverein Morsbroich. 2004. Pp: 17-18.
Julius, A. ‘Grenzgänger und Afronauten.‘ In: Schrade, D. (ed.) AFRONAUT. Leverkusen: Kunstverein Morsbroich. 2004. Pp: 19-21.
Huber, T. ‘Genealogien.‘ In: D. Schrade and T, Huber (eds.) Daniel Kojo Schrade: brother beethoven. Munich: Draenert/ISART. 2000. Pp: 2-5. ISBN: 3-924922-40-3.
Press (selected)
Dluzewska, E. ‘Kapuscinski I Afronauci.’ In: Gazetta Wyborcza. June 11, 2016. Warsaw/Poland.
Kuz, M. ‚Afryka Za Kolorowa Kurtyna.‘ In: Rzeczpolitia. June 12, 2016. Warsaw/Poland.
McEwen, L. ‘Afrofuturism.’ In: The Washington Post. February 2, 2014. Washington D.C./USA.
‘Sea Never Dry.’ In: Ghana Broadcasting Cooperation. August 21, 2013. Accra/Ghana.
‘Ghanaian Artists Attend Workshop.’ In: Ghana News Agency. August 6, 2013. Accra/Ghana.
Käppeler, O. ‘Synapsen in der Malerei.‘ In: Südwest Presse Ulm. July 15, 2013. Ulm/Germany.
Golling, M. ‘Afronauten starten in den Farbraum.‘ In: Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung. July 19, 2013. Augsburg/Germany.
Caruth, N. ‘Mapping Identity.’ In: Art21 - Roundup. April 5, 2010. National/USA.
Meyer, R. ‘Afronauten in gleichmütiger Naivität.‘ In: Neues Deutschland. January 12, 2010. Berlin/Germany.
Fischer, J. ‘Neither Here Nor There.’ In: African Times. September 9. 2009.
Mejias, J. ‘Die neue Uniform passt ihr doch ganz gut.‘ In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. May 16, 2006. Frankfurt/Germany.
Zimmermann, I. ‘Auf der Suche nach dem virtuellen Raum.‘ In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. P: R2. December 12, 2005. Munich/Germany
Lutzenberger, A. ‘Zwischen Icon und Idolos.‘ In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. October 19, 2005. Munich/Germany.
Klein, M. ‘Beethovens Schwarze Großmutter.‘ In: Rheinische Post. March 17, 2004. Düsseldorf/Germany.
Schwenke-Runkel, I. ‘Ein ‚Schicht’ - Arbeiter am Werk.‘ In: Kölner Stadtanzeiger. March 16, 2004. Colon/Germany. Mafke, N. ‘Anhalten, schauen hören.‘ In: Münchner Merkur. October15, 2003. Munich/Germany.
Gonzáles-Durand, B. ‘De Munich para Oaxaca.’ In: El Independiente Oaxaca. July 17, 2003. Oaxaca/Mexico
Joggerts, M. ‘Anhalten Hinschauen und Hinhören.‘ In: Badische Zeitung. May 22, 2003. Baden-Baden/Germany.
Fischer, J. ‘Werder Roberto noch Blanco: Das neue afrodeutsche Bewusstsein in Politik und Pop-Kultur.‘ In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. P:17. March 2, 2002. Munich/Germany.
Weskott, H. ‘Relikte des Alltags.‘ In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. March 07, 2002. Munich/Germany.
Herwig, O. ‘Fremdes denken, Alltag schreiben: Daniel Kojo Schrades seltsame Zeichensprache in der Galerie ISART.‘ In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. P:20. May 28, 2001. Munich/Germany.
Berg, R. ‘Gelb ist das Fuchsgesicht.‘ In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. P: BS6. December 22, 2000.
Exhibition Catalogues
2019 :listenings, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA
2018 re-mappings, Baustein Building, Holyoke, USA
2014 Kunst Oberschwaben 20. Jahrh.–1970 bis heute, Kunstverlag Josef Fink, Lindenberg-Germany
2011 AfroSat-1, Revolver Publishing, Berlin-Germany
2010 Mapping Identity, Fitzgerald Gallery Haverford College, Philadelphia, USA.
Iwalewa Haus, University Bayreuth/Germany.
2008 e-motion, Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta.
2007 Afronauts, Galerie Schrade Karlsruhe.
2006 Dialoge, Stadtmuseum Wehr.
Grosse Kunstausstellung 2006, Haus der Kunst Munich.
2005 Galerie der Stadtsparkasse, Augsburg “Meisterstücke”.
2004 Kunstverein Museum Schloß Morsbroich,Leverkusen „Afronaut“.
2003 Gotas para los Ojos, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Oaxaca-Mexico.
2001 Galerie Huber-Goueffon, München „locker bleiben“.
Coffein, Galerie Dorothea Schrade, Illereichen/Altenstadt.
2000 Brother Beethoven, Galerie Huber&Goueffon Munich
Orangerie Draenert, Friedrichshafen „brother beethoven“
1998 5 in Movimiento, Pallazo dell’ Esplanade, Merano-Italy.
1994 KOJO, Galerie Hölzer, Baden-Baden.
1993 Eckpunkte, Galerie der Stadt Kornwestheim-Germany.
1992 Stipendiaten [Scholars], Morat Institut, Freiburg-Germany.
Grants / Fellowships / Awards
2019 (Spring) Artist in Residence, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH - USA
2014 Research Fellow, Academy of Advanced African Studies Bayreuth, Germany
2010 Awarded Guest Professor, University Bayreuth, Germany.
2008-2010 Studio Scholarship, District Government of Bavaria, Germany.
2007-2008 Copeland Fellowship Award, Amherst College, Amherst,MA USA.
2003 Visiting Artist, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Oaxaca-Mexico.
1995 BAföG-Scholarship, Academy of Fine Arts Munich.
1992-1993 Meisterschüler [Master Student] of Professor Jürgen Reipka, Academy of Fine Arts Munich.
1992-1993 Scholarship, Cusanuswerk Foundation, Bonn – Germany.
Permanent Collections
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Oaxaca-Mexico / Museo de Cuenca-Spain
Museum im Ritterhaus Offenburg-Germany / Bayerische Staatsgemaeldesammlung-Munich
Bayerische Rueckversicherungs AG-Munich / Collection HypoVereinsbank-Munich
University Bayreuth, Iwalewa-Haus, Germany / Goethe Institut Accra-Ghana
Morat Collection Freiburg-Germany / Collection Diehl Silvaplana-Switzerland.
Solomon-Kiefer Collection Philadelphia-USA / Mead Art Museum Amherst College